Monday, May 23, 2011

Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle by Betty McDonald

This wonderful classic series for kids may seem a bit dated to parents, but kids continue to love it.  Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle is the type of woman who fills her home laughter, fun, warm cookies and cold milk. She has a gift for understanding children and loving them despite their faults.  Throughout this series Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle uses humor, magic and just plain common sense to help hapless parents with their unruly children.  Following a strict formula each chapter starts with a problem and ends with the problem solved and the children having happily learned their lesson. Of course, the lessons learned are still applicable today! The audio book, performed by Karen White, is a wonderful choice for the summer--either for some down time at home or in the car.

Note: Yes, these books were written in the fifties and yes, it shows.  All the families are made up of a happily working father and a stay-at-home mother-- each firmly placed in their stereotypical gender roles.  As with all "classic" books there are things readers of today will not agree with or may even find offensive.  Why not take the opportunity to discuss these issues with your children while reading these books?  

Books in the series:
Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle-- Illustrated by Hilary Knight. 1947.
Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle's Magic-- Illustrated by Hilary Knight. 1949.
Mrs. Piggle-Wiggles Farm-- Illustrated by Maurice Sendak. 1954.
Hello, Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle-- Illustrated by Hilary Knight. 1957.
Happy Birthday Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle Co-authored by Anne MacDonald Canham -- Illustrated by Alexandra Boiger. 1997.

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