Mr. Willowby's Christmas Tree by Robert Barry-- Mr. Willowby sets up his perfect tree only to find that it doesn't quite fit in his living room. As he snips off the top it is passed on to another who will enjoy it, then snipped again and passed on again. Eventually Mistletoe Mouse ends up with his very own perfect Christmas tree. A fun book with charming illustrations and fun rhyming text.
Mooseltoe by Margie Palatini, Illustrated by Henry Cole -- Mr. Moose is a great Christmas enthusiast getting everything ready and check, check, checking off his list. But, when Christmas arrives he realizes he has forgotten one very important thing! A fun read aloud with lot lots of repetition and a cute ending.
McDuff's New Friend by Rosemary Wells and Susan Jeffers -- McDuff is ready for Christmas and waiting for Santa. When he hears bumps in the night he wakes Lucy and Fred--but nothing is there. Soon a discovery is made and Christmas is saved by McDuff. A sweet book, that I love for the 1940's inspired illustrations. Check out the other non Christmas books in the McDuff series.
The Best Christmas Pageant Ever by Barbara Robinson -- When the horrible bullying Hurdman children are asked to join the Christmas pageant everyone expects the worst. Instead hilarity and humility follow proving it to truly be the best Christmas Pageant ever. A wonderful hilarious early chapter book to read aloud that everyone will enjoy. I still remember when my classroom teacher read this to us in third grade. It has always been one of my favorites!
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