The story, written by Harold the dog, begins when the Monroe family brings home a bunny they found at the movie theater. Since they were seeing Dracula the bunny is appropriately named Bunnicula. Chester, a high thinking and suspicious cat, immediately suspects that Bunnicula is in fact a vampire. Throughout the book, filled with adventure, mystery, and humor, these animals attempt to discover the truth about Bunnicula. These books will keep kids engaged, entertained, and begging to read the sequels!
Books in the original series are: Bunnicula: A Rabbit-Tale of Mystery, Howliday Inn and Celery Stalks at Midnight. Since the originals were published Howe has now written several additional books in the series including Bunnicula Strikes Again!, Bunnicula meet Edgar Allen Crow, and Return to Howliday Inn.
Have you read Bunnicula? Which was your favorite book?
Books in the original series are: Bunnicula: A Rabbit-Tale of Mystery, Howliday Inn and Celery Stalks at Midnight. Since the originals were published Howe has now written several additional books in the series including Bunnicula Strikes Again!, Bunnicula meet Edgar Allen Crow, and Return to Howliday Inn.
Have you read Bunnicula? Which was your favorite book?
Oh gosh! We loved Bunnicula! I think our favorite was the 1st one. Chester was bound & determined to figure out what that bunny was up to. I loved how the authors described how the vegetables had all been drained of their 'blood'.