Friday, April 22, 2011

Books About Liking You for You!

A Bad Case of Stripes by David Shannon

Camilla Cream loves lima beans, but fearing the ridicule of others, never eats them.  One morning Camilla wakes up to discover she is covered in bold colorful stripes.  As she continues to change into more and more alarming shapes and colors she longs to return to normal. A grandmotherly woman appears with an easy cure--eat a few lima beans. After initial refusal Camilla admits to loving lima beans. From that day forth she does what she likes to do no matter what anyone else might say.

Leon the Chameleon by Melanie Watt

Leon the chameleon is different. When the other chameleons sit on a green leaf they turn green, when they sit on yellow sand they turn yellow, but not Leon. Sometimes Leon's differences make him feel embarrassed and lonely. After an unexpected adventure Leon finds that being different can have unexpected benefits. A nice page in the back explains the color wheel and Leon's complementary color changing. The illustrations are filled with vivid color that completely the story nicely.

Elmer by David McKee

Elmer has always been different from the other elephants. Along with being a patchwork of bright colors, he loves to tell jokes, do tricks and make the other elephants laugh.  But Elmer is unhappy with his unique look and one day decides to try to blend in with the other elephants.  What he discovers is that looking the same as everyone else is not that much fun---and Elmer loves to have fun!

I'm Gonna Like Me by Jamie Lee Curtis and Laura Cornell

This lively book tells, in rhyming verse, why each of us is unique and special and why we should all love who we are. I love the witty rhyme of this book combined with the colorful cartoon like illustrations. Not really a story, but a fun book to read with your kids!

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