The Digging-est Dog by Al Perkins
The Digging-est Dog was first written in 1967 and I remember enjoying it as a child. Written in poetic form, it is the story of Sammy and his dog Duke. Sammy bought Duke from a pet store where Duke had lived on a stone floor and had never learn to dig, as all dogs apparently need to learn how to do. Sammy teaches Duke to dig, and as soon as Duke catches on, Duke digs his way all across town. You can imagine the trouble this causes. A story of friendship and of making amends after you have caused a lot of trouble, The Digging-est Dog is a wonderfully rhythmic book for kids of all ages to enjoy, even grown-ups.
Froggy Eats Out by Jonathan London
Jonathan London has written many books about the various adventures of his main character, Froggy. In Froggy Eats Out, Froggy the frog tries to make it through a dinner with his parents at a fancy restaurant, but isn't quite successful at being good, much like young children his age. Full of fun sounds for children to say like "ssllluuuurrrrpppp" and "zip" and "zwit", the Froggy series is fun to read and is full of very colorful and humorous illustrations. The Froggy series is a great series for a beginning reader.